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dc.contributor.authorБайрачна, Л.К.-
dc.identifier.citationБайрачна Л. К. Легітимність державної влади: історіографія питання / Л. К. Байрачна // Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2014. – Вип. 28. – С. 23–32.en_US
dc.descriptionThe study focuses on one of the most urgent problems of modern political and legal process – the legitimacy of political power. Scientists’ interest in this topic is dictated primarily by dramatic structural, economic and political changes in former socialist countries, which, after decades of social experiment return to the basics of modern society, is restoring its traditional structure. The aim of the study is to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of legitimacy of the government, their analysis is associated with the study of the main approaches to consideration of the issues of formation, functioning and ways of improving the mechanisms of legitimation of state authority in the foreign and domestic literature. In European and American political science questions of legitimacy of power have a stable research tradition. In recent decades hundreds of foreign political and legal science papers devoted to this topic have been published. They disclose in sufficient details its theoretical, methodological and historical aspects. But most of these works were written on the basis of the analysis of tradition and experience of Western European and North American societies. In this regard, in modern political science there is a certain shortage of works devoted to the issues of legitimacy of power applied to the countries of Eastern Europe and Ukraine, especially related to the current, to a certain extent unique, period of their development. The problem of legitimacy of power has a long tradition in European political philosophy, although the conceptual apparatus of research developed mainly in the last century. In classical philosophy of ancient Greece the problem was mentioned in the context of seeking of regulatory policy framework in an effort to overcome the contradictions between power and violence, law and morality, in the pursuit of truth, justice, harmonious unity of society, creating the concept of the ideal state and ideal of the board. During Middle Ages in Western Europe it manifested in the confrontation of secular and ecclesiastical power. During Modern Times and formation of secular political science socio-legal bases and sources of legitimation of power were disclosed. At the turn of XVIII–XIX centuries, when in Europe the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy and the recognition of the illegal government of Napoleon were discussed, the topic gained practical political significance. In the middle of XIX century, the problem of legitimacy as the legality of the board became one of the most important in legal science, especially German, and was primarily concerned with the creation of the theory of constitutional state. In the XX–XXI centuries deepening of differentiation between political and legal existence of power occurs. By virtue of the processes of modernization of society, inclusion of huge masses in the political process, power relations become more complex in its content and therefore form the necessity for further analysis of the problem.en_US
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена дослідженню визначення теоретико-методологічних підстав легітимності державної влади, їхньому аналізу, який пов’язаний з вивченням основних підходів до розгляду питань про становлення, функціонування й шляхи вдосконалювання механізму легітимації державної влади в закордонній і вітчизняній літературі.en_US
dc.description.abstractСтатья посвящена исследованию определения теоретико-методологических оснований легитимности государственной власти, их анализу, который связан с изучением основных подходов рассмотрения вопросов о становлении, функционировании и путях совершенствования механизма легитимации государственной власти в зарубежной и отечественной литературе.-
dc.subjectдержавна владаen_US
dc.subjectлегітимність державної владиen_US
dc.subjectполітичне і юридичне буття владиen_US
dc.subjectполитическое и юридическое бытие властиen_US
dc.subjectгосударственная властьen_US
dc.subjectлегитимность властиen_US
dc.subjectполитическая властьen_US
dc.subjectлегитимность политической властиen_US
dc.subjectlegitimacy of the governmenten_US
dc.subjectpolitical and legal existence of poweren_US
dc.titleЛегітимність державної влади: історіографія питанняen_US
dc.title.alternativeЛегитимность государственной власти: историография вопросаen_US
dc.title.alternativeLegitimacy of the state power: historiography of the questionen_US
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