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Title: Земельна інвестиційна політика: правові проблеми
Authors: Ігнатенко, І.В.
Федчишин, Д.В.
Keywords: використання земель
право власності
право землекористування
оренда землі
земельні правовідносини
земельні спори
управління землями
ринок землі
обмеження прав
правовий режим земель
землі сільськогосподарського призначення
land use
land use right
land lease
land legal relations
land disputes
land management
land market
limitation of rights
legal regime of lands
agricultural land
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: НЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрого
Citation: Ігнатенко І. В. Земельна інвестиційна політика: правові проблеми / І. В. Ігнатенко, Д. В. Федчишин // Jurisprudence under martial law: conceptual dimension : sci. monogr. / Odesa State University of Internal Affairs, Baltic Intern. Academy. – Riga, 2024. – С. 88–108. - DOI:
Abstract: In modern conditions, the land policy of developed countries creates mechanisms for regulating the land market with a multifaceted socio-economic content. This complex process is accompanied by the reform of land relations. This article examines the prospects and challenges associated with large-scale land investment. It provides an overview of current investment trends, assesses the potential benefits and risks of commercial investment for local communities, and proposes a number of principles aimed at promoting respect for existing land rights. Specific proposals are made to help local communities and other stakeholders reap the benefits of investments and reduce risks to land and other natural resources and the communities that depend on them. It is argued that deprivation of rights to land claims the status of the most well-known and, at the same time, little-researched form of deprivation of rights not only in modern literature devoted to "land grabbing", but also in classical theory in general. It is concluded that an accurate measurement of the actual scale of the "land grab" is simply impossible. In addition, many agreements concern domestic investment projects. Today, investors from neighboring countries are involved, who implement large-scale projects by allegedly illegal means. Many such projects are implemented by entering into a land lease agreement, rather than land purchase and sale. Some operations can be large in size, but they can also be relatively small (as little as 400 hectares). It is important that governments review and strengthen the legal framework that governs all aspects of land rights, land acquisition, foreign investment, agricultural investment, and project development and implementation. The article also analyzed the contribution of international human rights legislation to the protection of land rights. Long-term depletion of natural resources, loss of biodiversity and global warming due to global "land grabs" and resources have been found to negatively impact human rights.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри земельного та аграрного права

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