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Title: Problems and ways of improving of social and legal protection servicemеn and their family members in accordance with NATO standards
Authors: Ignatievа, A.
Zverev, S.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: НЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрого
Citation: Ignatievа A. Problems and ways of improving of social and legal protection servicemеn and their family members in accordance with NATO standards / A. Ignatievа, S. Zverev // Розвиток законодавства України у сфері оборони: проблеми адаптації до стандартів НАТО та шляхи їх вирішення : матеріали наук.-практ. конф. м. Київ, 23 квіт. 2021 р. – Київ, 2021. – С. 208–212.
Abstract: The transition to NATO standards for the Armed Forces of Ukraine means the transition to a qualitatively new level, the final deprivation of the so-called post-Soviet legacy. This is a new philosophy of military construction, the effectiveness of which has been proven by the experience of leading countries. In practice, this means the development, adoption and gradual implementation in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and in the Armed Forces of Ukraine of internal regulations and rules, including, for example, provisions and provisions of statutory documents that will allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to achieve interoperability with military units.
Appears in Collections:Тези, доповіді Військово-юридичного інституту

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