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Title: Concepts and signs of war crimes in international criminal law
Authors: Ignatieva, A.I.
Protsyik, O.V.
Keywords: war crimes
International criminal law
human rights
crimes against humanity
crimes against civilian population
armed conflicts
international conventions
військові злочини
міжнародне кримінальне право
права людини
злочини проти людяності
злочини проти цивільного населення
збройні конфлікти
міжнародні конвенції
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: НЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрого
Citation: Ignatievа A. I. Concepts and signs of war crimes in international criminal law / A. I. Ignatievа, O. V. Protsyik // Modern research in science and education : the 9th Intern. sci. and practical conf. (May 2–4, 2024) USA. – Chicago, 2024. – P. 806–809.
Abstract: The article "Concepts and Signs of War Crimes in International Criminal Law" explores the key aspects of defining war crimes within the framework of international criminal law. This work analyzes and elucidates the fundamental concepts defined by international law regarding war crimes, such as "war crimes" and "signs of war crimes". Through a thorough review of relevant documents and international conventions, the author delineates the elements that constitute war crimes, including actions that may qualify as crimes against humanity, crimes against civilian population, as well as crimes against prisoners of war. This article aims to understand the concepts of war crimes and their indicators in international criminal law with the objective of ensuring proper legal protection and human rights defense in the context of armed conflicts.
Appears in Collections:Тези, доповіді Військово-юридичного інституту

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