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dc.contributor.authorMelnyk, S.M.en
dc.contributor.authorIgnatieva, A.I.en
dc.identifier.citationMelnyk S. M. Formation of psychological training of military lawyers in institutions countries of the world / S. M. Melnyk, A. I. Ignatievа // Progressive research in the modern world : the 9th Intern. Sci. and practical conf. (May 25–27, 2023), USA. – Boston, 2023. – P. 662–665.en
dc.description.abstractPsychological stability and its factors in foreign studies In the US Army, the doctrine and strategy of human capital management considers the human factor as a key factor in ensuring the high combat capability of the armed forces. Among the five main strategic priorities for the construction of the country's armed forces, included in the army development plan, two are related to personnel: the training of a command link with a high degree of adaptability and the training of highly professional soldiers. The system of psychological stability (resilience) to negative traumatic factors of professional activity is considered as the basis for maintaining the high combat capability of military personnel. The American Psychological Association's Task Force on Resilience in Response to Terrorism defines psychological resilience as "the process of successfully adapting to various types of trauma, tragic situations, threats, and other significant sources of stress." In the scientific literature, along with the concept of psychological resilience, scientists sometimes use such concepts as "resistance to trauma", "psychological resilience", "stress resistance", "sustainability", "viability", etc.en
dc.publisherНЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрогоuk_UA
dc.subjectresistance to traumaen
dc.subjectpsychological resilienceen
dc.subjectstress resistanceen
dc.subjectстійкість до травмиuk_UA
dc.subjectпсихологічна стійкістьuk_UA
dc.titleFormation of psychological training of military lawyers in institutions countries of the worlden
dc.typeBook chapteren
Appears in Collections:Тези, доповіді Військово-юридичного інституту

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