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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorBabarytskyi, O.V.en
dc.contributor.authorIgnatieva, A.I.en
dc.identifier.citationBabarytskyi O. V. Military vocabulary as a composite component of the English language for law enforcement / O. V. Babarytskyi, A. I. Ignatievа // Право і суспільство. – 2024. – № 1, т. 2. – С. 237–241. - DOI:
dc.description.abstractEach language has its own national identity, which is expressed both in the specific features of vocabulary units, that is, words, and especially in the stratification of the entire vocabulary into separate lexical types and groups of words. In the English language, slang is of great importance, which determines the development of the entire language as a whole, its uniqueness and distinguishes it from other languages of the world. The study of the English language shows that a special part of the emotionally colored layer of military vocabulary is military slang, which, along with professional slang, is one of the components of English-speaking socioprofessional colloquialism. It is noted that military slang can be called the most vivid example of military vocabulary with linguistic and regional studies color, because to understand it, it is necessary to have certain background knowledge related to the conditions of service, traditions of servicemen, and the sphere of their interests. Slang makes language shorter, concrete, emotionally expressive, and also serves as a kind of sign of belonging to a certain social environment. In the scientific article, it is determined that the slang of USA and Great Britain military personnel is a powerful linguistic barrier for translators, to understand which knowledge is required not only in the military sphere, but also in other spheres of life that are closely related to military activities. We are convinced that military slang can be called the most vivid example of military vocabulary with linguistic and regional studies color, because in order to understand it, it is necessary to have certain background knowledge related to the conditions of service and traditions. At the same time, the new program is based on the requirements of the Council of Europe Recommendations, which are oriented towards the formation of sociocultural competence and the need to teach intercultural communication, which, within the sociocultural approach to learning foreign languages, is defined as a functionally determined communicative interaction of people who serve as carriers of various cultural communities through awareness of them or other people of their belonging to different geopolitical, religious, national, as well as social subcultures. In order for this dialogue of cultures to succeed, its participants must have a completely diverse socio-cultural information about each other, thus, socio-cultural competence is the basis necessary for the dialogue of culturesen
dc.publisherНЮУ ім. Ярослава Мудрогоuk_UA
dc.subjectmilitary vocabularyen
dc.subjectmilitary slangen
dc.subjectprofessional vernacularen
dc.subjectlaw enforcementen
dc.subjectвійськова лексикаuk_UA
dc.subjectвійськовий сленгuk_UA
dc.subjectпрофесійне просторіччяuk_UA
dc.subjectправоохоронні органиuk_UA
dc.titleMilitary vocabulary as a composite component of the English language for law enforcementen
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті Військово-юридичного інституту

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