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dc.contributor.authorShevchuk, Viktor-
dc.identifier.citationShevchuk V. Criminalistic methodology and praktikal of study / V. Shevchuk // Scientific ahievements of modern society: abstr. of the 4th Intern. sci. and practical conf. Cognum Publishing House (December 4–6, 2019). – Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2019. – P. 932–939.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe author discusses the debatable problems of the methodology of criminalistics and analyzes the tendency and prospects for its development. It is impossible to ensure the further development of criminalistic science, without having and without using the necessary methods of scientific knowledge. Recently, however, in the criminalistic literature there are opposing opinions and approaches regarding individual issues of the methodology of criminalistic science, which are debatable in nature. It is substantiated that the wrong methodological approach leads to a violation of the methodological principles of criminalistics, such as the unity of the theory and practice, the systems approach, the use of other sciences in forensic research, etc. Recently, criminalistic science often goes into self-development and often without theorizing. Moreover, there are proposals, "innovations" for the creation and development of various private forensic theories, which are far from being such ones. It is argued that in forensic science there can be no “pure”, abstract theories, principles and concepts, and other theoretical construction should have a practical way out, to serve the solution of various practical problems. Today, further research is required by the integrative function of criminalistics, the use of system-structural, active, functional, technological approaches, strengthening the practical orientation of criminalistics research, which will raise modern criminalistics to a qualitatively new level of development.ru_RU
dc.subjectmethods of criminalisticsru_RU
dc.subjectmethodology of criminalisticsru_RU
dc.subjectmethods of practical activityru_RU
dc.subjectintegrative function of criminalisticsru_RU
dc.subjectmethodology of criminalistic researchru_RU
dc.titleCriminalistic methodology and praktikal of studyru_RU
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри криміналістики

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