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dc.contributor.authorDanilyan, O.G.-
dc.contributor.authorDzeban, A.P.-
dc.identifier.citationDanilyan O. G. Space Law at 21st Century: The Security Issues / O. G. Danilyan, A. P. Dzeban // Philosophy and Cosmology. – 2019. – Vol. 22. – P. 6–15. - DOI:
dc.description.abstractThe article analyzes the problem of the formation of the imperative of explication of human activity in outer space. It is believed that the existing international treaties and legal framework for the regulation of human activities in outer space requires close attention of researchers and thorough study. The main challenges posed by space exploration carry not only potential benefits, but also global threats and risks to the existence of human civilization. The content of the strategy for the development of the comic space is demonstrated taking into account the non-classical paradigm of philosophy and epistemology, which significantly delegitimize the content of modern ethical and axiological principles. The search for strategies of legal support of the policy and strategy of civilization development in the context of space exploration is carried out within the eight formulated trends (space delimitation, prevention of militarization, environmental problems of space exploration, resource potential of space, etc).ru_RU
dc.subjectкосмическое правоru_RU
dc.subjectпроблемы с безопасностьюru_RU
dc.subjectисследование космосаru_RU
dc.subjectкосмический туризмru_RU
dc.subjectмеждународно-правовой договорru_RU
dc.subjectнеобходимость преодоления границыru_RU
dc.subjectаэрокосмические экологические технологииru_RU
dc.subjectкосмічне правоru_RU
dc.subjectпроблеми з безпекоюru_RU
dc.subjectдослідження космосуru_RU
dc.subjectкосмічний туризмru_RU
dc.subjectміжнародно-правовий договірru_RU
dc.subjectнеобхідність подолання кордонуru_RU
dc.subjectаерокосмічні екологічні технологіїru_RU
dc.subjectspace lawru_RU
dc.subjectsafety problemsru_RU
dc.subjectspace explorationru_RU
dc.subjectspace tourismru_RU
dc.subjectinternational legal treatyru_RU
dc.subjectneed to overcome the borderru_RU
dc.subjectaerospace environmental technologyru_RU
dc.titleSpace Law at 21st Century: The Security Issuesru_RU
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри філософії

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