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dc.contributor.authorKulchii, Inna-
dc.identifier.citationKulchii I. Sustainable rural development in Ukraine: Legal aspect / I. Kulchii // Future Of Food-Journal On Food Agriculture And Society. – 2018. – Vol. 6, is. 2. – P. 29–40.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractSustainable rural development involves the attainment of a balanced development of the economic, ecological and social spheres within a community. For this purpose, the state agrarian policy should be aimed at achieving three goals: 1) food security of the state; 2) solving of social and environmental problems in rural areas; and, 3) the transformation of the agrarian sector into a highly effective, competitive domestic and foreign market economy sector of the state. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study the legal framework for the sustainable rural development of Ukraine by analyzing the state agricultural policy in this area. The article is dedicated to the study of sustainable development's legal aspects in Ukrainian rural areas. The author clarifies the essence of the concept of sustainable rural development, analyzes the international legislation and legislation of Ukraine in this area. It is noted that the state agrarian policy in Ukraine should focus primarily on ensuring legal, economic and organizational conditions for the development of rural diversification and public-private partnerships. The essence of rural diversification is revealed and its directions are investigated. Legal provision of rural tourism in Ukraine is analyzed in detail. The model of public-private partnership and its potential in the field of rural development is explored. The author concludes that legislation in the field of sustainable rural development is at the stage of formation and proposes a complex of changes aimed at its improvement.ru_RU
dc.subjectустойчивое развитиеru_RU
dc.subjectразвитие селаru_RU
dc.subjectсельский туризм (зеленый туризм)ru_RU
dc.subjectгосударственно-частное партнерствоru_RU
dc.subjectнесельскохозяйственная сельская деятельностьru_RU
dc.subjectстійкий розвитокru_RU
dc.subjectрозвиток селаru_RU
dc.subjectсільський туризм (зелений туризм)ru_RU
dc.subjectдержавно-приватне партнерствоru_RU
dc.subjectнесільськогосподарська сільська діяльністьru_RU
dc.subjectsustainable developmentru_RU
dc.subjectrural developmentru_RU
dc.subjectrural tourism (green tourism)ru_RU
dc.subjectpublic private partnershipru_RU
dc.subjectnon-agricultural rural activitiesru_RU
dc.titleSustainable rural development in Ukraine: Legal aspectru_RU
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри земельного та аграрного права

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