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dc.contributor.authorКлімова, Г.П.-
dc.identifier.citationКлімова Г. П. Вплив правової культури на формування правопорядку в суспільстві / Г. П. Клімова // Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія. – Харків, 2015. – № 3. – С. 77–
dc.descriptionThe nature of notion «state» presented in a variety of philosophical, legal, sociological,political science theories is analyzed, the basic methodological approaches to the analysis of the legal culture are considered in the article. The special attention is paid to the legal culture as a system of legal values. The most important legal value, the law, as the basis for public order in the society is analyzed. The notion of legal culture is multifaceted and multidimensional. Therefore, a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches is used for its philosophical and legal analysis. Among them there are subjective, activity, anthropological, technological, qualitative, sociological approach and others. We are unanimous with those scholars who prefer axiological approach in its understanding. This approach, which is the most common among scientists, is able to combine the variety of its qualities around the notion of value, since these values are the core of culture in general, and the core of legal culture in particular. From the point of view of this approach, the culture is the objectification of value and worldview ideas that reflect the inner world of human subjectivity. Therefore, the authentic notion – axiosphere can be applied to the culture as well. That means that the culture primarily serves as value the system relevant for the individual and society in the whole. It is regarded as a set of values created by mankind during its history. Taking all of this in account, legal culture is a system of legal values, that are developing, corresponding to the level of social progress, reached by the humanity, reflects in the legal form the important social values that affect the legal status and the way of life of the individual and society. Such conception of the legal culture is reflected in the scientific works of many scientists (S. S. Alekseev, V. P. Salnikov, R. K. Rusinov, A. P. Semitko and others). Legal values are based on the public order. They act as the perfect justification of the legal norm; they are the purpose of law and its institutions. Legal values are varied. The most important value of legal culture is the law. It is the legal basis of public order. The nature of the law is revealed through its philosophical and legal understanding as the source of legal regulation of the highest form. The implementation of any state function is not possible without the law. It regulates the most important social relationships and people’s behavior in law. The goals and objectives are declared in it, means and solutions are defined, and the expected result to be achieved is predicted. The law is the only form of law, in which social function of the individual behavior can be performed, as it clearly states the conditions, procedures, manner and consequences of his actions. Only the law does not depend on personal desires or representations of individual and is binding. It contains primary rules, basic positions on major issues of public life. The law must realize the desire of every individual to freedom, justice, and equality so that either the public interest in general or particular interests of others were not affected. Legal establishing of rules is not an end in itself, but it is carried out for justice, human rights. An important condition for the rule of law in society is improving the quality of law, particularly the inherent features as an effective regulator of social relations. Unsatisfactory and inefficient law is the law passed without the foundations of natural law, without adequate study of the nature and the structure of social needs, with which it was brought to life, without specific legal awareness and legal culture of persons it was created for. It can be argued that the quality of law is determined, inter alia, by legal compliance to needs of social development; modern development, publication and adaptation of the new and refusal from the old legal norm; the correct definition of the scope and extent of regulation; consistent implementation and overall mobile systematization of legislation, overcoming of contradictions in it; following law in order of adequately expressing in it the will and interests of the people. The respect to the law has not become the dominant feature of the mass legal culture for the Ukrainian citizens, the factor that contributes to the stability and order of society. The presence of a significant number of the Ukrainian citizens willing to commit unlawful acts is an expression of the crisis of legal culture that affects the state of law and order in the
dc.description.abstractУ статті аналізується сутність поняття «правова культура», поданого в різних філософських, правових, соціологічних, політологічних теоріях, розглянуті основні методологічні підходи до аналізу правової культури. Особливу увагу приділено розгляду правової культури як системи правових цінностей. Аналізується найважливіша правова цінність – закон як основа правопорядку в суспільстві.ru
dc.description.abstractВ статье анализируется сущность понятия «правовая культура», представленного в различных философских, правовых, социологических, политологических теориях, рассмотрены основные методологические подходы к анализу правовой культуры. Особое внимание уделено рассмотрению правовой культуры как системы правовых ценностей. Анализируется важнейшая правовая ценность – закон как основа правопорядка в обществе.-
dc.subjectправова культураru
dc.subjectправові цінностіru
dc.subjectправовий законru
dc.subjectправовая культураru
dc.subjectправовые ценностиru
dc.subjectправовой законru
dc.subjectlegal cultureru
dc.subjectlegal valuesru
dc.subjectlegal lawru
dc.subjectpublic orderru
dc.titleВплив правової культури на формування правопорядку в суспільствіru
dc.title.alternativeВлияние правовой культуры на формирование правопорядка в обществеru
dc.title.alternativeThe Influence of Legal Culture on the Formation of Public Orderru
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри соціології та політології

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