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dc.contributor.authorКозаченко, А.І.-
dc.identifier.citationКозаченко А. І. Федір Лизогуб – видатний діяч земського самоврядування кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. / А. І. Козаченко // Держава і право. Юридичні і політичні науки : зб. наук. пр. – Київ, 2015. – Вип. 67. – С. 76–85.en
dc.descriptionF. A. Lizohub’s activity as a chairman Gorodnianskyi district zemstvo assembly, a town councillor of Lokhvytsia district zemstvo and a chairman of the provincial council of Poltava zemstvo in the period from 1888 to 1916 has been described. Relevance of the article is that special studies on F. A. Lyzohub’s activities at institutions of zemstvo self-governments have not been conducted until recently. In the post-Soviet period, scientists have focused on Fedir Lyzohub’s activities as a head of hetman P. P. Skoropadsky’s government in 1918. The article is aimed to analyze F. A. Lizohub’s activity at bodies of zemstvo self-government as a chairman of Horodnia district zemstvo assembly, a town councillor of Lokhvytsia district zemstvo and a chairman of the provincial council of Poltava zemstvo in the period from 1888 to 1916. Fedir Lyzohub was born on 6 October, 1851 in the family estate in Sedniv, Chernihiv district. After graduating from high school, he took a course in a real school in St. Petersburg. F. A. Lyzohub started his career and social activities on 5 December, 1883 as an assistant secretary of the Magistrates’ Congress of Chernihiv Magistrate District. Fedir Lyzohub started his activity at bodies of zemstvo self-government in 1888 as a leader of Horodnia district gentry. According to zemstvo meetings registers, he always took an active part in discussion of zemstvo regulations drafts. In 1897, F. A. Lyzohub resigned as a chairman of Horodnia zemstvo assembly but continued to officiate as a town councillor of Horodnia zemstvo. The next period of Fedir Lyzohub’s zemstvo activities was officiating as a town councillor of Lokhvytsia zemstvo of Poltava province. He was elected as a town councillor of Lokhvytsia zemstvo in 1899, 1901, 1904, 1907 and 1910. During the zemstvo assembly meetings, he took an active part in the debates. In September 1901, Lokhvytsia zemstvo assembly elected F. A. Lyzohub as a provincial councillor. In December 1901, Poltava provincial zemstvo assembly elected Fedir Lyzohub as a chairman of the provincial zemstvo council. Later, Poltava zemstvo elected him as a head of provincial council in 1904, 1907, 1910 and 1913. At each subsequent election, Fedir Lyzohub had more and more increasing councillors’ support. As a provincial councilor and head of zemstvo council, Fedir Lyzohub took an active part in most zemstvo session meetings. Majority of council’s reports to zemsvo assembly was accompanied by the council head’s explanations. F.A. Lizohub paid attention to social care of zemstvo employees and their families. To improve efficiency of the office – council’s staff, in 1902, F. A. Lizohub initiated enactment of a new “Instruction on Case Management Order” by zemstvo council which included introduction of new positions and a new division of responsibilities between the office employees. In 1904, at Fedir Lyzohub’s suggestion, the zemstvo created a medical sanitary bureau and medical board. F. A. Lyzohub provided constructive cooperation between Poltava provincial zemstvo assembly and council. He managed to cooperate with interior ministers and Poltava governors successfully. The provincial assembly elected Fedir Lyzohub to participate in the All-Russian Zemstvo Congresses repeatedly. He led Poltava zemstvo delegation at numerous zemstvo fairs and national events. F. A. Lyzohub supported democratic reforms, favoured development of the Ukrainian language and national culture. He was one of the initiators of I. Kotliarevsky’s monument building in Poltava and contributed to creation of the Provincial Natural History Museum and development of Art and Industry School named after M. Hohol in Myrhorod. As the author established, F.A. Lyzohub was dismissed as a head of the zemstvo council on 24 May, 1916 because of his appointment to the civil service. Thus, owing to F. A. Lizohub’s activity as a chairman of the Poltava provincial district council, there was an organizational work improvement of the council, a number of new units at the council were established, which helped to improve the efficiency of its work. Being a chairman of the council, F. A. Lizohub contributed to development of the Ukrainian national culture, took attention to social care of zemstvo employees.en
dc.description.abstractРозкрито діяльність Ф. А. Лизогуба на посаді голови Городнянського повітового земського зібрання, гласного Лохвицького повітового земства та голови губернської управи Полтавського земства у період з 1888 по 1916 роки. Завдяки діяльності Ф. А. Лизогуба на посаді голови Полтавської губернської земської управи відбулося організаційне удосконалення роботи управи, запроваджено низку нових підрозділів при управі, що сприяло підвищенню рівня ефективності її роботи. Як голова земської управи Ф. А. Лизогуб сприяв розвитку української національної культури, дбав про соціальний захист земських службовців.en
dc.description.abstractРаскрыто деятельность Ф. А. Лизогуба в должности председателя Городнянского уездного земского собрания, гласного Лохвицкого уездного земства и председателя губернской управы Полтавского земства в период с 1888 по 1916 годы. Благодаря деятельности Ф. А. Лизогуба в должности председателя Полтавской губернской земской управы произошло организационное усовершенствование работы управы, учреждено ряд новых подразделений при управе, что способствовало повышению уровня эффективности ее работы. Как председатель земской управы Ф. А. Лизогуб способствовал развитию украинской национальной культуры, заботился о социальной защите земских служащих.-
dc.subjectземське самоврядуванняen
dc.subjectземські вибориen
dc.subjectголова управиen
dc.subjectземское самоуправлениеen
dc.subjectземские выборыen
dc.subjectглава управыen
dc.subjectzemstvo self-governmenten
dc.subjectzemstvo electionsen
dc.subjecttown counciloren
dc.subjectchairman of the councilen
dc.titleФедір Лизогуб – видатний діяч земського самоврядування кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.en
dc.title.alternativeФедор Лизогуб – выдающийся деятель земского самоуправления конца ХIХ – начала ХХ вв.en
dc.title.alternativeFedir Lyzohub as an Outstanding Figure of Zemstvo Self-government of the Late XIX - Early XX Centuriesen
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті Полтавського юридичного інституту

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