Browsing by Author Shevchuk, V.M.
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | The concept and system of means of criminalistic tactics: some problems of improvement | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Criminalistic innovation: modern problems of formation and prospects for reserchs | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Criminalistic technique: innovative directions of modern criminalistic research | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2019 | Discussion problems of the criminalistics methodology | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Genesis, trends and development prospects criminalistic tactics | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Innovations in criminalistic and practice of their implementation in law enforcement activity | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Innovations in criminalistic technique: problems of creation and application | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Modern problems criminalistic technique: innovations, tendencies, prospects | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Problems and prospects for formation the concept of criminalistic innovations | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Problems and prospects of introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in judicial activity in the conditions of pandemic | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Problems of criminalistic methodics: modern understanding of the concept and innovative approach to the formation of the system | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Prospects and innovations research of criminalistic technique | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2018 | Role of tactical operations in forensic system | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2016 | Scientific approaches to understanding tactical and criminalistic complexes and problems of their practical application | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2020 | Scientific prerequisites for the formation of criminalistic innovation and some prospective directions of its development | Shevchuk, V.M. |
2016 | System of countermeasures against illicit enrichment in contemporary conditions | Shepitko, V.Yu.; Shevchuk, V.M.; Bilous, V.V.; Keryk, L.I. |
2019 | Tactical operations in judicial proceedings: problems of formation and practical realization | Shevchuk, V.M. |