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Showing results 455 to 474 of 19356 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017M. B. Салтевський – видатний криміналіст, воїн-захисник, славетний педагог, мудрий учитель та чудова людинаШевчук, В.М.
2023Main trends in the use of agricultural land in UkraineIgnatenko, I.; Fedchyshyn, D.
2019Man in informational society: from moral identification to moral identityDanilyan, O.G.; Dzоban, A.P.; Kalinovsky, Y.Y.
2017Man in the Technological CultureGolybova O.М.; Pylypenko S.G.; Moshynskaya О.Y.
2017Marginality and problems mentality: essence and ways of overcomingGerasina, L.M.; Drongal’, A.N.
2017Mdern Digital Tools in Language LearningMykytiuk, S.S.; Moroz, T.
2020Means of criminalistic tactics: modern understanding of the concept and some discussion problemsShevchuk, Viktor
2023Measures to prevent state default under martial lawPerestyuk, I.; Berezovska-Chmil, O.; Bilousov, Y.; Yakoviyk, I.; Zhukov, I.
2016Medical device software: defining key termsPashkov, Vitalii; Gutorova, Nataliya; Harkusha, Andrii
2019Medical error and liability for it in some post-soviet countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine)Gornostay, A.; Ivantsova, A.; Mykhailichenko, T.
2018Medical reform and contradictions of financial managementKaminska, T.; Martynenko, N.
2014Medical services as an object of consumer servicesPolnikova, Anna
2022Mental states of military personnel during the preparation and conduct of hostilitiesIgnatieva, A.I.
2016Mergers and acquisitions in higher educationShevchenko, L.S.
2019Meta-Theoretical Studies in the History of Legal and Political Doctrines: Heuristic PotentialApolskii, Evgenii A.; Mordovtsev, Andrei Y.; Mamychev, Alexey Yu.; Mordovtseva, Tatiana V.; Danilyan, Oleg G.
2017Methodical basis of training of cadets for the military applied heptathlon competitionsAnatskyi, R.V.; Kolomiitseva, O.E.; Cretu, M.; Potop, V.
2020Methodics of investigation of incitement to suicide of military personnel: problems of formation and implementationPapusha, Igor; Shevchuk, Viktor
2020Methodological problems of the conceptual framework development for innovation studies in forensic scienceShevchuk, Viktor M.
2019Methodology of criminalistics: discussions, tendencies, prospectsShevchuk, Viktor
2020Methods of smuggling of firearms and ammunition in the structure of criminalistic characteristicsShevchuk, Viktor; Kotiuk, Mykhailo