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Title: Правова природа обов’язків у спадкових правовідносинах
Other Titles: Правовая природа обязанностей в наследственных правоотношениях
Legal Nature of the Hereditary Relations
Authors: Спасибо-Фатєєва, І.В.
Надьон, В.В.
Keywords: обов’язок
спадкування за законом
заповідальний відказ (легат)
наследование по закону
завещательный отказ (легат)
inheritance by law
testamentary refusal (legate)
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: видавництво "Право"
Citation: Спасибо-Фатєєва І. В. Правова природа обов’язків у спадкових правовідносинах / І. В. Спасибо-Фатєєва, В. В. Надьон // Вісник Національної академії правових наук України : зб. наук. пр. – Харків, 2016. – № 1. – С. 66–75.
Abstract: У статті досліджуються обов’язки спадкоємців у спадкових правовідносинах. Аналізується правова природа обов’язків, що виникають із договору, закону, а також обов’язки, що виникають із заповідального відказу (легату) та покладання.
В статье исследуются обязанности наследников в наследственных правоотношениях. Анализируется правовая природа обязанностей, возникающих по договору, закону, а также обязанности, возникающие по завещательному отказу (легату) и возложению.
Description: The purpose of the article: to define legal nature of the hereditary relations. In describing the responsibilities it is highly important to note that they are not confined to a particular mental state of the obliged person, they represent special, social consequences of the standards. Responsibilities listed in the article have different legal nature. And if any is evident when it comes to the contractual obligations of the heirs (resulting from contracts made by them with the owner of the inheritance and so forth), it demands some clarifications concerning other ones. Thus, the obligations to meet creditors’ demands arise from a succession of heirs, who took the place of the testator in the relevant legal relationships. That’s why in addition to the fact that these obligations arise in the heir’s case as a participant of the inheritance legal relationship, they are also a content of the other legal relations from which they follow. Obligations following purely from the law can be considered only a part of the hereditary relations, such as: protection of the heritage, carried out by the heirs themselves without concluding a treaty with a third person; payment of the testamentary executor’s services; comp sensation of expenditure on the maintenance, care, treatment and burial of the testator. Since it is law that establishes those responsibilities that depend only on whether the heir comes into the inheritance relationship. Being a product of the will of the heir these responsibilities, however, are set solely by the law. Perhaps, the most controversial aspect is the legal nature of the obligations of the heirs resulting from the testamentary refusal (the legate) and the imposition. Beyond doubt the heirs have the appropriate responsibilities, allowing to realize the rights of the persons mentioned in the will. However, the assessment of the legal relationship (the obligations of the heirs and the rights of the persons in whose favor the will was drawn up) is very multifarious. Thus, heirs’ of the will subjective obligations primarily take the part of means of their behavior’s regulation, which are contained in the specifications of the law of succession and in the will or may be also stated in the contract that is set up by the heirs. Subjective obligations function because it provides a kind of behavior of its bearer that calls forth the attorney’s opportunity to perform his or her own actions, which are the means or the ways to comply with his or her interests.
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри цивільного права № 2

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