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dc.contributor.authorБілоус, Василь Васильович-
dc.identifier.citationБілоус В. В. Актуальні питання техніко-криміналістичного забезпечення Національної поліції України / В. В. Білоус // Криміналіст першодрукований. – 2016. – № 12. – С. 82–108.en
dc.descriptionThe article is devoted to the problem of technical and criminalistic support of National police of Ukraine. Author is paid attention to the police officers activities at scene of traffic accidents. The prospect potentially possible criminal proceedings depends on the quality of the inspection of the scene and fixation the results of police officers activities. Author is demonstrated statistics of traffic accidents in Ukraine, and technical and criminalistic support of police officers, that fixated these traffic accidents. The scheme of traffic accident and real situation is joined only by parts, and it is not unusual situation. The scheme is not fully in line with recommendations, it made simpler the real situation of the scene. Because of these problems, author prepared new types of fixation, including aerial photography and a protocol annexes. Police officers could save time of traffic accident fixation from 2-3 hours to a few minutes. Such innovations could be next positive step in increasing the level of computarization and technologization of police activities. The author hopes that this method will use in all regions of Ukraine as soon as possible.en
dc.subjectкриміналістичні методиen
dc.subjectНаціональна поліція Україниen
dc.subjectреформа правоохоронних органівen
dc.subjectнещасний випадок на транспортіen
dc.subjectсудово-медичні фотографіїen
dc.subjectбезпілотний літальний апаратen
dc.subjectCriminalisitic techniquesen
dc.subjectNational police of Ukraineen
dc.subjectreform of law enforcement bodiesen
dc.subjecttraffic accidenten
dc.subjectaerial photographyen
dc.subjectforensic photographyen
dc.titleАктуальні питання техніко-криміналістичного забезпечення Національної поліції Україниen
dc.title.alternativeTopical problems of technical and criminalistic support of National police of Ukraineen
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті кафедри криміналістики

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